What's on your table?

Let's have a crash course on sprucing up the fine dining experience within your own home, shall we? 

That stained Lazy Susan that almost loses its cargo every time it makes a rotation is a tired dining table centerpiece.

This year, send it to the woodshed and replace it with some lovely flowers, they smell wonderful, they look great, and they don’t creak every time someone touches them.

Speaking of creaking, odds are someone in the house can’t stand the sound of chewing at the table. Help them keep their temper in check and their ears delighted by putting some music in the atmosphere.

After that, go ahead and make good on that New Year’s resolution to drink less by purchasing a decorative wine bottle, because who doesn't love the story of Tantalus?

To lessen the sting of the decorative wine bottle, have some real cheese and crackers, and serve them on this board, which is a triple threat. Made for cutting, serving, and a punny joke about being farm to table it’s hard not to see the value in its craftsmanship.

Are we missing something? Let us know below!

Photo: The Artful Lodger

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